Another Reason for Honouring Veterans on Remembrance Day

Here is a column that clearly outlines the proposal by Lisa MacLeod to make remembrance Day a statutory holiday in Ontario.[click here]

 Local MPP Lisa MacLeod’s proposal to make Remembrance Day a statutory holiday is a good idea that is long overdue. Our veterans and their sacrifices are surely as worthy of celebration as Queen Victoria’s birthday or the Civic Holiday.

The fact that Ontario is one of only three provinces not now recognizing Remembrance Day with a statutory holiday is a pretty good indicator that our province is out of step. The situation is particularly discordant here with federal public servants getting the day off, but most other people having to work.

What MacLeod wants to do is put Remembrance Day on the same plane as Christmas and Easter. In other words, a real statutory holiday where everything shuts down. That would prevent it from becoming just another day off to catch up on shopping.

Don’t forget to vote in the poll this week. As well it turns out Ontario is truly out of line with the rest of Canada when it comes to honoring our veterans.

By Jon Siemko

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