Canadian history, Canadian politics

Sir Isaac Brock

 by Sean_Marshall
 Today marks the bicentennial of the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Sir Isaac Brock. I still remember the day trips with my family to the Niagara region when I was a young impressionable boy .   We did a complete circuit of Fort George and Fort Niagara of course ending off at Brock’s monument and learning about the battle at Queenston Heights. These trips were an important part of sparking a lifelong love of history in me that continues to this day.
An excellent Bicentennial blog 1812 now has an in-depth post on the battle of Queenston Heights using primary sources; which gives you the sense of what it felt like to be there.
Putting aside the solemn remembrance of heroes who have long passed away this is for me at least one of the reasons Canadian history has a personal connection!

About Jon Siemko

Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
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