Canadian history

Remembering The 75th Anniversary of D-Day

Canada Juno Beach

As the 75th anniversary of D-Day approaches a lot of the coverage has focused on the importance of the Normandy campaign to the ending of the second world war.

The coverage has focused on soldiers reminiscences of the battle. That is vitally important because this might be the last time many of these veterans will participate in an anniversary marking such a crucial Milestone.

In addition, since the average age of the second world war veteran is 93, we are collectively losing our connection to the past. Lack of Canadians historical memory is beginning to show up in surveys. Among millennials, only 41% can correctly answer that 14000 Canadian troops landed on Juno Beach as part of the D-Day invasion.

In short, passing on Canada’s history’s more essential than ever. When it comes to the remaining veterans, our job is to reflect, remember and pass on.

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About Jon Siemko

Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
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