Canadian politics

Scheer promises more support for Canada’s Veterans

a new Conservative government will:

1. Enshrine, in legislation, a Military Covenant between the Government of Canada and all Canada’s Veterans. This will guarantee that every Veteran is treated with respect and is provided services in a timely manner.

2. Clear the current backlog of Veterans’ benefit applications within 24 months.

3. Create a reliable, dependable pension system that, unlike the Liberal status quo, is fair to Canada’s most disabled Veterans.

4. Strengthen transition services to support discharged or retired Canadian Armed Forces members.

5. Strike an independent inquiry to provide answers about Canadian Armed Forces members who were administered mefloquine.

6. Provide more service dogs to Canadian a a Veterans in their communities.

7. Put vital commemoration projects, like the National Memorial for Canada’s War in Afghanistan, back on track.

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About Jon Siemko

Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
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