Canadian politics

Conservatives call for the relocation of the Beijing Olympics.

“Today, I call on Justin Trudeau to actively seek the relocation of the 2022 Olympic Games. Canada should not be sending athletes to China in the middle of a genocide.

“Canada has long been a world leader in standing up for human rights and dignity. But today, we have become a nation of silence, not one of principled action.

“I think Canadians would agree that it would violate fundamental ethical principles to participate in an Olympic Games hosted by a country that is committing a genocide against part of its population.

“The Olympic Games and the athletes who compete in them have and will inspire the next generation – and they must continue to provide such inspiration. “But not in China, in the shadow of a genocide.”

About Jon Siemko

Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
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