Free-speech is the watch word of the day, I’m going to join over 1000 like-minded people and hear Mark Steyn talk about free speech or the lack of it in Canada. Hopefully there are tickets still available and if you want to see the lightning rod himself in London go to strictly for more information .
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
Mark Steyn on Conrad Black and Free Speech
Mark discusses the ” incredibly shrinking case” against Conrad Black and his upcoming speech in London Ontario.
A liberal Trick For Halloween
Political correctness is alive and well and at least going to crash the Halloween parties at one university this year.
From Chicago’s breaking news center
In an e-mail sent to the campus late Monday, Dean of Students Burgwell Howard warned against wearing racially or culturally insensitive costumes this weekend. He also discouraged “ghetto,” “pimps and hos” and “gangsta” parties at the esteemed Evanston university.
“Halloween is unfortunately a time when the normal thoughtfulness and sensitivity of most NU students can be forgotten and some poor decisions are made,” Howard wrote.
“In many cases the student wearing the costume has not intended to offend, but their actions or lack of forethought have sent a far greater message than any apology could after the fact,” Howard wrote.
And lest there be any confusion, Howard provided students with a list of questions to ask before selecting one’s Halloween attire: Is the costume based on making fun of real people or cultures? Does the costume promote cultural myths? Could someone take offense to it?
Indeed if students cannot be treated as young mature adults who have the ability to self regulate at the age of 18 to 23 years old how are they ever expected to grow up.
The Liberal Gene
The most shocking discovery since the “liberal brain”, scientists at Harvard have now confirmed that some humans carry the liberal gene in their DNA.
From the Telegraph
the research suggests that some people have an inherent bias against conservative thinking, that is independent of their education or upbringing.
The effect is caused by a neurotransmitter in the brain called DRD4 which could be stimulated by the novelty value of left of centre opinions, say US researchers.
In people who are naturally outgoing, the feature encourages them to seek out companions with unconventional views as they grow up.
This in turn means they tend to form less conventional political viewpoints as adults, according to the study by the University of California and Harvard.
The research, based on 2,000 Americans, is published in the Journal of Politics.
It found those with a strain of the DRD4 gene seek out “novelty” – such as people and lifestyles which are different to the ones they are used to.
This leads them to have more liberal political opinions, it found.
What do you think about the study?