Hudak Leads With Leadership Numbers

With the multiple summer missteps of the McGuinty Liberals; the Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak has taken a commanding lead in the all-important category of leadership and vision numbers in the latest poll.   Hudak trounced the premier in all major areas. To be fair,  no one has had worse political timing and judgment then McGuinty the last few months he has had to deal with a multitude of issues and people are fed up with his government acting like a progressive protectorate.  McGuinty is acting like a big brother when Ontarians just want to be left alone.

There  are a couple of underlying factors at work here;  first the relatively unknown quantity, that is Tim Hudak is working to his advantage at a time where there is a rising tide of anti-incumbents anxiety. As well, the Ontarians for the first time truly feel overwhelmed by how much the province is using the elements of government to dictate what we can and cannot do.  The average feeling of Ontarians is skeptic schism and un-trust, and could be symbolized by the main character from the film, “Network”.

Howard Beale who gives voice to the classic.diatribe of discontentment with his own situation and limiting scope of society, from the film “Network”. Now there is an underlying current of ill will towards the government growing under the surface of every decision the McGuinty Liberals make.   It is not simply a  The repudiation of the Liberals is not just a rejection of a political party;  it is a uprooting  of the entire political elite at Queens Park.  For a brief fleeting moment,  people are not satisfied with politicians  just saying they’re going to do good;  they must also be good on delivering their promises.

source Toronto Star

Consider the numbers: Someone you can trust: Hudak 33 per cent, McGuinty 27. Someone with a vision: Hudak 40 per cent, McGuinty 24.

Someone open to the ideas of others: Hudak 28 per cent, NDP Leader Andrea Horwath 27, Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner 25, McGuinty 20.

Someone who knows when to compromise: Hudak 33 per cent, McGuinty 28. Someone who can best manage the health-care system: Hudak 33 per cent, Horwath 26 per cent, McGuinty 25.

The Ontario Liberals real record

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Don’t Trip Or The Nanny State Will Catch You

 A historic Cobbled road is now being tread on by the Nanny State.
A COBBLED path at a 1,300-year-old abbey could be closed off because health and safety chiefs say people could trip over on it.
Instead they want to spend £30,000 of taxpayers’ money on a modern tarmac path to run alongside it.
Town councillors in Sherborne, Dorset, have asked for permission to carry out the work at the town’s abbey – which dates back to 705AD – because they fear a costly law suit.
Categorised as Other

Ontario Liberals are running scared

For the first time in almost a decade the opposition Ontario PC party has taken the lead in the public opinion polls. More telling is the numbers of Ontarians who want a change in government has drastically increased.

 Now  the numbers might fluctuate in the coming months but if the change numbers keep on climbing that’s good news for Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC party in the provincial election of 2011. I wonder what schemes are  the liberal backroom boys cooking up trying to revive the out of gas Liberal government.