In his over 30 years of public service Sen. Bob Runciman has never shied away from telling it the way it is. From St. Thomas Times-Journal After eight years of broken promises, higher taxes, record deficits, and a decline to have-not status, it was startling to many Ontarians to see two recent polls showing Dalton… Continue reading Who is Pulling The Strings
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
CP’s Profile of Hudak
This is an insightful profile of Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak. You really get a sense that his family has been and continues to be central to his life. Both in public and in private. However I disagree with the title and some of the professors assertions at the end. From Canadian Press Ask Hudak… Continue reading CP’s Profile of Hudak
Response to Chris Morley Letter
The Ontario PCs are committed to running a transparent campaign, just like they are equally committed to bringing accountability back to government and getting rid of the secret backroom deals of Dalton McGuinty. For original Chris Morley letter [click here] Response to Chris Morley
Andrea Mandel-Campbell Speaks Out
Wednesday signals the start to a new political season in Ontario . But for all intents and purposes, the campaign is already underway . For example Check out this interview with Andrea Mandel-Campbell Ontario PC Candidate in Don Valley West. It sheds light. on her experience of being intimidated by some Liberal staffers. [click here… Continue reading Andrea Mandel-Campbell Speaks Out
Latest Ontario PC Ad
The new Ontario PC ad campaign emphasizes how a politicians words can come back to haunt him. As well I think this hits the perfect pitch for those small business owners, parents of children going off to college, and hard-working Ontarians tired of the liberals high tax agenda.