Today, the Harper government committed to restoring province House, home of the Charlottetown conference. just in time for Canada’s 150th birthday. The picture above is of the delegates who attended this stepping stone to Confederation. Bonus points if you can name them all.
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
It’s All About Debt
From Toronto Sun Just as McGuinty and the Working Families Coalition are about to attempt a three-peat con job on Ontario voters, the world is crumbling. Greece, Ireland, Britian and now the mighty United States are being crushed by, guess what? Government debt. This year, we voters just might care about debt. Which is bad… Continue reading It’s All About Debt
The Berlin Wall 50 Years Later
Today marks the 50th anniversary of when the Berlin wall, started construction and subsequently became a symbol of Communist oppression. “Fifty years ago, the world saw Germany divided in two, with Berlin severed by the construction of the Berlin Wall, with the West retaining its rights and freedoms and the East succumbing to Communist oppression.… Continue reading The Berlin Wall 50 Years Later
A Chicken in Every Pot and a Pledge for Everyone
Henry IV of France is credited with coining the phrase, “a chicken in every pot”. This morning Kelly McParland of the national Post pokes fun of the phrase and the Ontario Liberals at the same time.
The Lay of the Land in Ontario
We are just entering the dog days of summer, and Staples has not even started airing their extremely annoying back-to-school commercials. However, over at Éric has already posted ridings to watch in the upcoming provincial election. The articles totally worth a read for those who are interested. It puts the latest numbers released by… Continue reading The Lay of the Land in Ontario