The Three Stooges

Find out what politicians are promising be a educated voter.

From NCC

Canadians have seen this all before – a reckless coalition of separatists and socialists.

Donate today to help make sure that our federal politicians do not try to circumvent the will of the Canadian people. Their power-grab must be stopped to keep our country on the right track.

If you have not yet seen our latest advertisement about the coalition, please click below! It delivers our very serious message in a humorous and memorable way.

From Steven Taylor

the ad is meant to be a
“humorous parody” of serious issues, including the idea of an opposition coalition “stapling their platforms together.”
“Where is the restraint?” he asked.


Kevin Gaudet To Run for Ontario PCs

From  Globe and Mail

Mr. Gaudet said he has spent the past four year complaining from the sidelines about the need for governments at both the federal and provincial levels to lower taxes, produce less waste and be more accountable to taxpayers.

“It’s time to stop being an armchair quarterback and put some skin in the game,” he said in an interview.

“I’ve known Kevin for a long time,” PC Party Leader told reporters on Monday. “This is a guy who stands up for taxpayers, who stands up for ordinary, hard-working families and I’m very pleased that he’s put his name forward to be a candidate.”

“GTA families know they can count on Kevin Gaudet for the respect they deserve and the relief they need. The addition of Kevin to our team shows our growing momentum as we move to deliver change for hardworking families across Ontario.”

It’s great to see a candidate of Kevin Gaudet quality put his name forward for the Ontario PCs.  He has a long history of advocating for Canadians from coast to coast  through his work at the Canadian taxpayers Federation. A organization that emphasizes the priorities of lower taxes, less government and not least of all being a watchdog for waste. Mr. Gaudet is a perfect addition to Tim Hudak’s team.

Harper’s Sense of Humor

Our Prime Minister in private is a pretty funny guy ,it’s too bad we don’t get to see the lighter side of Harper.

From BC local news

“Stephen Harper continues to impress me,” said Nanaimo-Alberni MP James Lunney. “People don’t see him the way we see him, he has a terrific sense of humour and he’s able to analyze from so many different angles.”

He said it’s unfortunate there are increasing security concerns and he’s had to become less accessible.

“There’s some real nasty people around.”

He added that the Prime Minister doesn’t get to show his humour, such as his skilled impersonations, because of the worry of offending someone.

Michael Ignatieff on War

Michael Ignatieff  from 2004

Michael Ignatieff of Harvard University concluded, war had become “a spectacle”. It had transformed itself into a kind of “spectator sport”, one offering “the added thrill that it is real for someone, but not, happily, for the spectator”. Even for the participants, fighting no longer implied the prospect of dying for some abstract cause, since the very notion of “sacrifice in battle had become implausible or ironic”.

Does Michael ignatieff still think modern warfare a spectacle. And sacrifice in battle ” implausible” and “ironic”.