Latest Conservative Ad

I’ll call this the ballot question Ad, it looks like conservatives are kicking it into high gear and quickly defining the themes of the campaign as well as reinforcing the prime minister in a positive light. Also if you like humorous animation check this out.

In addition go over to  Renegade Tory and check out her latest post it pretty much sums up what the conservative grassroots are aiming for this election.

Election or Bust for the Liberals

Looking from afar even Aaron Goldstein  of the American Spectator can’t understand why Canadians are about to be plunged into another federal election. He argues any way you slice it the election will end badly for Michael ignatieff and the Liberals.

From American Spectator

Frankly, I don’t understand why the Liberals have decided to topple the government now. After all, a poll that was released last weekend by Nanos Research had the Conservatives leading the Liberals by double digits (38.6% to 27.6%). Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff is also the least trusted of the three major national political leaders. Ignatieff is well behind both Harper and New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jack Layton on that score.

It is also worth noting that according to a poll done by Ipsos-Reid half of all Canadians do not want an election at this time. Indeed, if the Tory government falls it will be the third election in a little over five years.

Will the Liberals support a coalition with the Bloc

Indeed this will be the underlying question that will follow Michael ignatieff and the Liberals through a long 36 day campaign.

From National Post 

The Liberals and NDP must pledge to Canadians that the Bloc Québécois will not be included, as either partner or prop, in any coalition government. If they do not, then Stephen Harper’s Tories will be entirely within their rights to relentlessly remind voters that a vote for any federalist opposition party — Liberals, NDP or even the Greens — might effectively become a vote for a coalition that includes politicians dedicated to Canada’s destruction.


Former Liberal Candidate Calls Opposition irresponsible

former Liberal candidate  Jim Stewart agrees with the conservative party that the opposition coalition is forcing a unnecessary election upon the Canadian people. Furthermore Stewart cites the rebounding Canadian economy as the main reason why we shouldn’t head to the polls this spring.

Former federal Liberal candidate Jim Stewart can’t believe his party is ready to force an election.
“It’s ridiculous to call an election at this time,” he said Wednesday.
Stewart said the economy appears to be recovering and spending $300 million for an unnecessary federal election strikes him as irresponsible.

Michael ignatieff definitely doesn’t have all his ducks in a row  with the coalition’s snap spring election.