McGuinty is Spending Too Much

The spending spree of the Ontario Liberals can’t be sustained. In a short eight years, Ontario has doubled its debt under McGuinty. Imagine what he will do with another four years.

From  Toronto Sun
Lest we forget, since McGuinty came to power in 2003, the Liberals have doubled the provincial debt.

The total debt in 2003 was $148 billion. By 2012, it will hit $283 billion, $303 billion by 2013.

This province’s other 23 premiers over 136 years, “only” racked up $148 billion in debt.

The legacy of the Liberals will be one of leaving our children with skyrocketing debt in a time of austerity. It is incumbent upon every Ontario PC supporter to make this fact plane before election day.

Reasonable comments are always welcome.

By Jon Siemko

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