There are a multitude of reasons why the Ontario Liberals don’t deserve to be reelected. However the E health scandal stands out as the most egregious waste of the public’s money in recent memory. Finally, the Ontario PCs are addressing the long laundry list of McGuinty missteps. I won’t be fooled again along with millions… Continue reading Ontarians Deserve Better
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
Dalton’s Policy is Still Divisive
The Ontario Liberals immigration tax is the most discouraging signal that young people entering the workforce have seen in a generation. What the Liberals are conveying to recent graduates is no matter how hard you work or how much you invest in your self that does not matter. It is the governments job to pick… Continue reading Dalton’s Policy is Still Divisive
Dalton, Not So Popular With Liberals
Even diehard liberals think that Dalton and his policies are liabilities. From CTV “I have polling numbers that are not the party’s, but are separate polling places,” said Morgan Rosenberg. “Basically, McGuinty’s popularity in this riding is in the gutter, that the impression of McGuinty is not positive and people that associate with him tend… Continue reading Dalton, Not So Popular With Liberals
Change For A Better Future in Ontario
This new positive ad from the Ontario PCs, I think strikes the right tone for what it’s trying to accomplish. It bears a striking resemblance to the “our country” Ad put out by the conservative party earlier this year. Nevertheless change for a better future is definitely something I can get behind.
Ontario Liberals Promise Not to Raise our Taxes Again
The question is can we believe them. From CBC “If the Liberals are re-elected, will that government raise taxes or introduce new fees that feel like taxes?” Galloway asked Duncan. “No,” Duncan replied. “That’s a pretty straightforward answer.” “And that’s a guarantee?” Galloway then asked. “Absolutely,” Duncan said. With the Ontario Liberal history of tax… Continue reading Ontario Liberals Promise Not to Raise our Taxes Again