If imitation is the highest form of flattery, Dalton McGuinty gets high marks for going green on the campaign trail, just like another Liberal leader Stéphane Dion. The Problem for the Premier is that more Ontarians are concerned about what’s in their wallet. Then, when power. From National Post Yet the Liberals are out on… Continue reading Dalton Imitating Dion
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, toryredux.com. I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
McGuinty Ducks the Carbon Tax Question
On Monday Dalton McGuinty was ducking and weaving questions about his parties position on carbon taxes in Ontario. The Ontario Liberals have a long history of flirting with all ideas green including a tax on carbon. In fact, some senior Liberals including Cabinet ministers have been some of the more bullish proponents of this policy. With… Continue reading McGuinty Ducks the Carbon Tax Question
What’s Up With That Working Families Coalition
The Working families coalition plans to roll out their latest round of anti-Tory ads next week. As former president John Adams once said, “facts are stubborn things” and the fact is Dalton McGuinty has contributed more to Ontario’s debt, then the 23 premieres, who preceded him. now the question becomes can Ontario’s afford four more… Continue reading What’s Up With That Working Families Coalition
Freedom or Fairness
Tonight Ezra Levant is exploring the impact of a little-known quasi judicial body. The Canadian broadcast standards Council. Its job is to self regulate television and radio broadcasts throughout Canada. Now, I’ve always been a bit weary of a group of appointed. literati telling Canadians what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable speech in Canada. Of course… Continue reading Freedom or Fairness
It’s Time for a Change in Ontario
The Ontario PCs might have just deke Dalton before tonight’s big game.The Progressive Conservatives are taking their election battle to what’s expected to be one of the highest rated TV events this year.The Tories are launching an attack ad aimed at Premier Dalton McGuinty that will air tonight during Game 7 of the Stanley Cup… Continue reading It’s Time for a Change in Ontario