In the afterglow of the unofficial beginning of summer the race for Queens Park is beginning to heat up. Today, Nanos released a poll showing that a majority of Ontarians would vote for the Ontario PC party if an election was held today. The Ontario PCs have the trust of over 41% with a Liberals… Continue reading Ontario PCs in Majority Territory
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
The Liberal’s Financial Woes
From Yahoo! News In February, Steve Janke of the National Post, wrote an editorial warning the Liberals not to force an election because of their finances.“Between September 12, 2008 and November 4, 2008, the Liberal party took out 34 loans from banks in Canada, for a total of $11,280,000,” he wrote.“It is clear that loans… Continue reading The Liberal’s Financial Woes
The GTA Giant Killer
Bernard Trottier Learn more about the man who beat ignatieff Bernard Trottier and what he plans to do as the new MP from Etobicoke Lakeshore. [Read This]
NDP # Hashtag Fail
This is a satirical website that explores some of the more interesting characters or I mean candidates for the NDP in Québec. It looks like background checks weren’t a high priority for Jack and his team. [Read this] srsly jack? where did you find these people? They’re not serious candidates. And apparently they can’t even… Continue reading NDP # Hashtag Fail
Another Newspaper Endorses the Conservatives
The Tories continue to rack up endorsements from major media outlets. I would classify this as a tepid endorsement but a endorsement nonetheless. As well check out the series of endorsements compiled by Dr. Roy.From The The party best situated to do this is the Conservatives. They have ushered us though a bleak recession.… Continue reading Another Newspaper Endorses the Conservatives