
The Nanny State Defined

Here is one of the better working definitions of the nanny state I have come across yet. One first has to understand the entirety of the problem before taking swift action against it. Source Washington Times Moreover, in a state where virtually everything is forbidden, the citizen has to look…

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Great Minds Think Alike?

Now the title might be  a bit misleading but Michael Coren  devoted his latest blog post to the hiring of Heather Mallick by the Toronto Star Coren devoted 500 words to Mallick’s journalistic “qualifications” and going through some of her multiple hits and misses. the news that the star hired…

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The Closing of The Liberal Mind

This clip is another example of how there is an inherent difference between how Liberals and Conservatives approach politics. Liberals play the game of trying to squeeze everyone into one box or another,  to neatly fit the narrative of liberal victim or villain. It’s not who you are that matters…

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