Terrorist Suspect on Canadian Idol

“Complicated” is one word to describe the current situation with the terrorist suspects in Ottawa. What I find ironic is that the same suspects whose goal is to disrupt the Canadian mosaic with acts of violence, on the other hand embrace the same popular culture and by extension;  Western values that he has allegedly repudiated , this seems a bit counter intuitive to me.



Liberal Bias at Journalism School Inside the Echo Chamber

The medium is the message but the messenger should matter. This article uncovers the “shocking” truth of journalism schools being incubators for liberal bias.

It’s not so much the liberal bias that bothers me;  however,  it is the fact that some media outlets are trapped in an echo chamber where the same old opinions are being batted to and fro.  It is like thirty different ping-pong matches happening all at once but with the same result.
As a consequence, we now live in a society with a wealth of information but a lack of understanding on a broad variety of issues. For this very reason Sun TV news will be a welcomed addition to the Canadian media landscape asking the hard questions and hopefully getting the answers

People often complain about media bias. They say media outlets only cater to the right or the left; that there is no media objectivity anymore. Perhaps, they are right. After spending some time on the Hill, it seems like the media and Congress reflect each other. There is no middle ground.

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The Liberals Are Masters At The Fine Arts of Identity Politics

This commentary is old however it deals with issues that remain relevant to the political discussion today.

The Liberal party that claims to be a force for good and the glue that unites this nation,  this week showed their true colours again as Master practitioner in the Arts of Identity Politics. This week a Liberal candidate in Calgary on the popular social media site Twitter , claimed that the Calgary cops were racists. Normally, this would be water off a ducks back, and merely chocked  up as, a  rogue candidate going way off the deep end in a riding that probably could only be won if Hell probably froze over first.   Sadly the Liberals have an  illustrious history of playing Identity Politics by pitting one region or group against each other in the broad Canadian debate.

In 2001 then Minister Hedy Fry tried to marginalize the Canadian alliance as a political force by alluding  that certain areas of British Columbia had crosses burning on their yards. A not so veiled reference to the Ku Klux Klan and their  illegal and immoral activities of that organization in the United States.

If an individual cast their gaze back even further to the time of Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King,  he himself had a mixed record when it came to the mastering  of the Faustian Fine Art of Identity Politics.  Famously in his first meeting with Adolf Hitler. he thought that Hitler was a fine fellow and would be a great leader for Germany. “My sizing up of the man as I sat and talked with him was that he is really one who truly loves his fellow-men, and his country, and would make any sacrifice for their good. ”  I’m not comparing King’s initial support for Hitler’s efforts in 1937 as it applies to the Liberals broad brush approach to Identity Politics.

The fact that King probably did not see the forest from the trees and assumed that Hitler was some type of fellow traveler  on the wave of progressivism sweeping the world.
Smacks of a mere massive misreading or naïveté.

However, something that cannot be excused is the blatant pass that the Liberals have been given on the issue of Identity Politics up to now.
From the established historians to the halls of academia and the mainstream media have not traditionally held the Liberals feet to the fire on their lack of consistency when it comes to the issue of Identity Politics.They are a  party that are for everything and everybody when it suits them but when they see a political advantage can be gained they will instantly marginalize and demean the broad pageantry of the Canadian mosaic as a political tool to gain power.

The Liberal party has been for one thing and one thing only the fastest and easiest route back into the government’s good graces.

People should be judged for what they do not  who they are.  the Liberals have clearly forgotten that and are comfortable treating people as just an appendage of a broader political base. This is the fundamental flaw in the modern Liberal party of Canada and  Liberal ideology.

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Quote Of The Day

Source  National Post

from Peter MacKay

Canadian and allied efforts to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan, a country that has known only war and oppression for far too long, is not a game,” Peter MacKay, the Minister of Defence, said in a written statement.

“I’m sure most Canadians are uncomfortable and angry about this.”

What thoughts if any do you have about the emergence and popularity of realistic video games like medal of honor.?

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The Nanny State Defined

Here is one of the better working definitions of the nanny state I have come across yet. One first has to understand the entirety of the problem before taking swift action against it.

Source Washington Times

Moreover, in a state where virtually everything is forbidden, the citizen has to look to the state for permission to do virtually everything. In the most literal sense, it is a nanny state, where the citizen is treated as a mewling infant. And when people are treated like children, they lose the initiative to take on adult responsibilities

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