another interview from uncommon knowledge this time with author Claire Berlinski talking about her book there is no alternative, about the iron Lady Margaret Thatcher. In this segment Thatcher’s leadership styles are contrasted with President Obama.
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
McGuinty’s Walk in the Snow
A choice that all leaders have to make to face the music or get out of the way.
Source Windsor Star
The list of Canadian premiers and prime ministers hounded out of office by their own side is almost as long as the list of departed party leaders.
So expect McGuinty to take a “long walk in the snow,” to quote a famous line of Pierre Trudeau’s.
Despite all the hagiography written about the late Liberal deity this week, bad polls forced the great Trudeau to reconsider his future and step down in 1984.
It was either that or face the enormous humiliation of being dumped during a Liberal leadership convention.
The party had already decided he had become a serious impediment on their return to power and wanted him out.
Unless the HST suddenly disappears or hydro bills suddenly shrink — two big, black “Fs” that will never disappear from McGuinty’s report card — the premier will almost certainly have to tender his resignation some time in 2011, no doubt to spend more time with his family.
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San Francisco’s Unhappy Meals
As some of you might recall I covered the issue of San Francisco banning toys from happy meals. Click here
San Francisco is the latest city to fall under the Rasputin like spell of the food police. In a recent motion the San Francisco board of supervisors wants to pass a bylaw that would ban the sale of toys in happy meals. Effectively targeting McDonald’s and many other fast food restaurants. The unintended consequence of targeting McDonald’s though would mean that many small restaurants would be squeezed even more and perhaps go out of business.
As well this gives rise to the culture of Protectionista’s who rather cut off their nose to spite their face than see the big picture of the interconnectedness between the economy and public policy. This move also seems eerily similar to Toronto city Council passing a motion of declaring themselves a nuclear free zone. You know “nannys ” are on the scene when you have protectorate politicians in charge of our political discourse.
update to this story
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Levant on Coren
Ezra Levant interviewed on the Michael Coren show talking about his new book a must-read ethical oil. For more Coren click here. Part two part three part four
Left-Wing Bias on Campus
This is an intelligent and in-depth conversation about the cultural left’s control of campus. Part two, part three, part four, part five