Where is the Liberals platform

inquisitive minds want to know. From: Toronto Sun Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak has already fired up his campaign bus, after unveiling his “Changebook” platform in May. New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath wasn’t far behind, releasing her main platform — “Change That Puts People First” — in June. Unofficially, Grits have been putting off questions… Continue reading Where is the Liberals platform

It’s Election Time in Ontario

Today, the Ontario PCs officially launched their campaign by unveiling their Big Blue bus of change. As the Liberals were busy lampooning a photograph Tim Hudak and the conservatives were focused squarely on families. “I’m proud of my beautiful little girl, my beautiful caring wife. And you know what this campaign is going to be… Continue reading It’s Election Time in Ontario

Senate Reform Still Popular

In somewhat of a fall preview, a recent poll showed an overwhelming amount of Canadians support reforming Canada’s upper chamber. From Windsor Star  Overall, 70 per cent of Canadians support limiting appointed senators to eight-year terms and 72 per cent of those surveyed said Canadians should be allowed to directly elect senators. As long-time readers… Continue reading Senate Reform Still Popular

Citizen Journalists As Second-Class Citizens

At least this is what could happen to  bloggers. If Québec culture minister Christine St.-Pierre gets her way. On Monday the minister. outlined regulations that would attempt to sanction the profession of journalism in Québec. Another round of regulation shouldn’t come as a surprise in La Belle province. More importantly, this raises the question. From… Continue reading Citizen Journalists As Second-Class Citizens

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