This parity is kind of corny but it gets to the point.
Author: Jon Siemko
Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
The High Price of Clean Energy
This is a pocketbook issue that could hit the Ontario Liberals hard during this fall’s provincial election. From Toronto Sun First, we’re paying inflated prices for expensive and inefficient wind energy, one reason we’re facing an estimated 45% hike on our electricity bills over the next five years. Second, because under the contracts the Liberal… Continue reading The High Price of Clean Energy
Dirty Tricks in Edmonton Strathcona
I This is a touching account from a couple who were victims of dirty tricks in Edmonton Strathcona.From Edmonton Journal Rod is an artist. Anne runs her own small business. They’re in their mid 30s – no kids yet. They love living near the University of Alberta campus and Whyte Avenue, walking up to 82nd for… Continue reading Dirty Tricks in Edmonton Strathcona
Glen Pearson Admits That Liberals Won’t Balance The Budget
Liberal MP Glen Pearson admits that his party has no plan to get Canada out of deficit and balance its budget. Again the liberal show their true colors as tax and spenders who rather transfer money from your pocket to the government coffers.
Chris Alexander In Context
This is what Chris Alexander really said about the conservative plan for Lower Taxes. The original video now circulating around the liberal blogosphere is no more than a blatant cheap shot at Alexander.