The latest Projection in Ontario

This result is encouraging, but we still have a whole election yet to wage. From Global News Tim Hudak’s Progressive Conservative party could be heading for a minority victory in Ontario’s October election, according to the latest seat projection from the Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy. The projection has the… Continue reading The latest Projection in Ontario

McGuinty is Spending Too Much

The spending spree of the Ontario Liberals can’t be sustained. In a short eight years, Ontario has doubled its debt under McGuinty. Imagine what he will do with another four years. From  Toronto Sun Lest we forget, since McGuinty came to power in 2003, the Liberals have doubled the provincial debt. The total debt in… Continue reading McGuinty is Spending Too Much

Remembering Jack Layton

I was stunned to hear about the sudden passing of Jack Layton leader of the NDP earlier this morning. Although I ideologically disagree with much of what the NDP stands for. One has to admire the drive and tenacity Mr. Layton had in pursuing his vision of Canada. The flag is flying at half mast… Continue reading Remembering Jack Layton

Don’t Allow this Election to Go Up in Smoke

On Thursday much of the media in  Ontario , was a buzz over the fact that Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak ” inhaled” in university.  Of course this is not a new revelation political leaders  from  Bill Clinton to Dalton McGuinty have admitted to using marijuana at least once in their youth. This election will… Continue reading Don’t Allow this Election to Go Up in Smoke

Social Media Helping to Bring Change to Ontario

From National Post With the launch of a Facebook app that gives players points for things like posting a campaign message to Twitter or organizing a fundraising barbecue, the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party is hoping to mobilize its online supporters to get off the computer and slog it out on the campaign trail. Here the… Continue reading Social Media Helping to Bring Change to Ontario