Low Income Canadians Least Likely To Get Care In Canada

Canadians need to start a discussion about what they really want out of their health care. Not a partisan fueled debate to see which side is more ideologically pure. Instead of a real discussion about how satisfied are Canadians with their health care system. This becomes especially important with an ageing baby boomer population and rising health care costs.

Recently the Canadian Medical Association came out with their latest annual report on the status of our healthcare system. The report summarized that we are now failing, not only all five fundamental principles of universal healthcare but the neediest in our society.

Now, I’m not one who looks to the United States as the land of milk and honey when it comes to solving any perceived systemic problems. in our own healthcare system.

Many countries maintain mixed systems that have some universality, but at the same time work hand-in-hand with the private sector as well. Maybe in a mixed system, we would see less emphasis on just treating disease and more emphasis placed on trying to manage patients’ pain. If Canadians cannot look at themselves in the mirror and honestly critique and improve their own public policy how can we then scale the heights of greatness in the 21st-century?

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Own Kids Come Out Against Father In Campaign

The more I think of this story I just think it’s sad. When your own kids won’t support you, and actively work against your campaign, that should be a strong indication to anyone that they have misplaced priorities.

What makes this an even weirder story is the candidate running for election ran ads highlighting himself as a family man.

Source Reuters
Oklahoma (Reuters Life!) – Jan Schill has a message for voters in Oklahoma choosing a district judge in elections on Tuesday — do not vote for my dad.
She and her husband have taken out newspaper ads urging voters not to vote for John Mantooth, who they believe had a lousy record as a judge and does not deserve the job.

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All Aboard The Just Visiting Express


Michael Ignatieff suffers from an acute case of citizen of the world syndrome trying to be all things to all people. Sure he has an impressive passport history that encompasses the globe; however,  as leader he has failed to articulate an unique vision for Canada. The foundational polls of the nation’s large, tent has to be inherently Canadian at its core.

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The Food Police Attack McDonald’s

Fast food and cola wars, I can’t take it anymore. The Progressive Puritans known as the food police have now turned their wrath towards the ” Golden Arches”. Yes the food police want to now outlaw the selling of toys with happy meals. As if selling a toy with a burger is some type of high crime against humanity. A culture of progressive paternalism has arisen where moral crusaders are now not just satisfied on making the world better but in their own image. Nutritional choices should be up to individuals and families, not nannies . The food police  should be told to butt out  they are another form of creeping collectivism that is poisoning  the ideal of individualism. Hell is paved with good intentions and the same can be said about over- regulation. Also, bringing in sweeping changes has the adverse effect of sweeping out the competition. Small and medium-sized businesses can’t compete in  a marketplace that is regulated to death.

You can get a simple plain hamburger with low-fat milk and fresh apple slices, and that’s actually a meal that fits in with dietary guidelines. That’s a reasonable choice,” said Ayoob.
Ultimately, Ayoob said it “becomes a parenting issue of who is in charge. My parents never had any difficulty telling me no.”
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Canada The World’s Economic Guru

As world leaders sit down at the G-8 and G. 20 meetings they can excuse themselves for salivating over Canada’s economic position. Suddenly the land of doughnuts and hockey has become the example to the world when it comes to economic stability. Leaders from the United States to  Europe are trying to emulate Canada’s example. While the sick man of Europe and Greece does its best impression of  Oliver Twist having its hand out for more. Meanwhile, Canada is the reigning guru of economic reform that clearly stands head and shoulders above the rest.

“We should be proud of the performance of our financial system during the crisis,” said Finance Minister Jim Flaherty

But it is recovering from the recession faster than others, and although its deficit is currently at a record high, the International Monetary Fund expects Canada to be the only one of the seven major industrialized democracies to return to surplus by 2015.

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